Welcome, to our Scouting Family!


Upcoming events

Upcoming events are on the troop calendar or announced at our troop meetings.

Currently upcoming events include: Adacus’s Eagle Scout Project, and Camp Wolfeboro!


Troop Meetings

Troop meetings are being held on the 2nd & 4th Monday’s of the month at 7pm at the Benicia Vets. Please check the calendar for our full list of current activities and more information.

Pay Now Health Forms


Calendar of Adventure

Our calendar is your portal to all of our adventures. Find events and sign up directly to participate from the links attached to all calendar events. For safety reasons, this calendar is only available to current Troop 007 members and accessible via password. If you are interested in knowing about our upcoming activities, and are not a member, please contact us via the contact page.


Meet Our Eagles

The BSA Eagle rank is the highest you can get. About 2 of every 100 scouts get this rank. It is very important and proves that you have learned so much, and spent so much time to achieve this momentous rank. These are the eagles that we raised from the ground up!

“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in a meeting room”

— Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of Boy Scouts